Making the Switch from Nonfiction to Fiction Writing
by Jodie Renner, editor, author, speaker
You’re already confident with writing nonfiction, so making the transition to fiction should be no big deal, right? Not. There’s actually a significant learning curve to recognizing and mastering the essential elements of writing fiction that captivates readers, sells well, and garners glowing reviews.
As an independent editor specializing in popular, fast-paced fiction, I often receive manuscripts from professionals and others who write a lot of nonfiction and are attaching a draft of a novel or short story. They often assume that since they’re used to writing, the transition to fiction will be easy.
Not so.
Nonfiction writers and first-time novelists often don’t realize the importance of issues they’re simply not aware of, so they ask me for “just a light copyedit.” When I start reading their manuscript, I often notice right away the story seems to lack sparkle. It doesn’t engage me and make me want to keep reading.
The writers, although accomplished in their field, have little or no concept of the critical aspects of point of view and showing instead of telling.
Other issues I see are...For the rest of this blog post, click HERE.

award-winning author of three craft-of-writing guides in her series
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