As you know, your first page is so critical for hooking readers in and compelling them to keep turning the pages of your novel.
I've been critiquing first paragraphs and first pages for Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi this week over at Writers Helping Writers.
Today, Oct. 24, 2013, I'm critiquing the first page of a novel over at The Kill Zone, one of my group blogs. My first-page critique there is on a novel called The Pink Motorcycle.
See down for links to more first-page critiques I offered here earlier this year.
Some articles with tips for creating a gripping opening to your novel:
Those Critical First Five Pages
Set up Your Story in the First Paragraphs
Open Your Novel in Your Protagonist’s Head
12 Do’s and Don’ts for an Amazing First Page
Write a Killer Thriller Opening
Here are some links to other first-page critiques I've done of novels:

Resources for Writers: Critique of First Page - Historical Fiction
Resources for Writers: Critique of First Page - Western
Resources for Writers: First-Page Critique - Historical Thriller
Resources for Writers: Critique of first page of a novel

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