They're listed below, in the Rafflecopter form, and they've all been notified. Winners, if you didn't receive an email, please check your Junk folder.
- Jodie & gang.
Great news for writers and aspiring authors! Here's your chance to win one of 15 excellent e-books on various aspects of writing and marketing your novel or short fiction.
To mark the release of my third book, CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS - An Editor's Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction on February 28, I've invited nine talented craft-of-writing authors to take part in a giveaway February 14-28 of their e-books on writing, publishing, and marketing.
Also, I'll be sending out advanced reading copies of my Captivate Your Readers next week in exchange for an honest review of the book on Amazon (& Goodreads) by March 30. Contact me at Info(at)Jodie Renner(dot)com for your free review copy.
Here are the 15 titles offered by ten top fiction-writing and marketing advisors, with their links below for more info:
~ Captivate Your Readers by Jodie Renner - plus 10 more books for reviews
~ Fiction Attack! by James Scott Bell
~ Outlining Your Novel, by K.M. Weiland
~ How to Market Your Book, by Joanna Penn
~The Emotion Thesaurus, by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
~ Planning Your Novel: Ideas and Structure, by Janice Hardy
~ Grammar for Fiction Writers, by Marcy Kennedy and Chris Saylor
~ Fire up Your Fiction, by Jodie Renner
~ Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives, and Other Introverts, by Joanna Penn
~ The 12 Key Pillars of Novel Construction, by C.S. Lakin
~ Writing a Killer Thriller, by Jodie Renner
~ The Positive Trait Thesaurus, by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
~ Dialogue: A Busy Writer's Guide, by Marcy Kennedy
~ 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts by Bryan Cohen
~ The Negative Trait Thesaurus, by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi.
You can read these books on your Kindle or other e-reader or on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Just enter the draw by clicking on the form below to win one of the following e-books. And if you sign up for my occasional (3-6 times per year) newsletter HERE, then let me know in the comments below, I'll add your name to the "hat" 3 more times. (New subscribers only.) For this option, make sure you've already entered your name in the form below so I'll have your email address. Thanks!
Winners' names will be drawn on March 1, and you will receive your free e-book during the first week of March.
And here's a little about my upcoming book CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS:
Are you looking for concrete, effective ways to bring your fiction to life for the readers, so they feel they’re right there with the characters? And they stay up until the wee hours of the night eagerly turning the pages? Then this book is for you.
This third editor’s guide to writing compelling fiction by multi-award-winning author Jodie Renner provides specific advice, with examples, for captivating readers and immersing them in your story world.
Today’s readers want to put aside their cares and chores and lose themselves in an absorbing story. This book shows you how to provide the emotional involvement and immediacy readers crave in fiction.
It’s all about engaging readers through techniques such as writing in deep point of view, showing instead of telling, avoiding author intrusions, creating dialogue that’s real and riveting, and basically stepping back as the author and letting the characters tell the story.
And like my other popular writing guides, the format of this one is reader-friendly, designed for busy writers, with text broken up by subheadings, examples, and lists, and plenty of concrete tips. It also has plenty of internal links in the e-version so you can click around quickly.
Besides blogging at The Kill Zone Blog and elsewhere, Jodie Renner is a freelance fiction editor and the award-winning author of three craft-of-writing guides in her series An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction: Fire up Your Fiction, Writing a Killer Thriller, and Captivate Your Readers. She has also published two clickable time-saving e-resources to date: Quick Clicks: Spelling List – Commonly Misspelled Words at Your Fingertipsand Quick Clicks: Word Usage – Style and Usage Tips for Busy Writers and Editors. You can find Jodie at,, and on Facebook and Twitter.
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