If you're a fiction writer at any stage or a fiction editor, don't miss this excellent deal. For the first time ever, I've put all my writing guides and resources on sale for $0.99 USD ($1.37 CAD) each for the ebooks, for 6 days.
And you don't need an ereader to read ebooks - you can also read them on your PC, laptop, iPad or other tablet, or your smartphone.
Here are the e-books you can get all this week (Jan. 4-9, 2016) for $0.99 on Amazon.com, $1.37 on Amazon.ca, and the equivalent on all other Amazon sites. Click on the links to go to the ebook on three main Amazon sites.
Books by Jodie Renner:
~ CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 53 reviews, overall average of 4.8 out of 5 stars
~ FIRE UP YOUR FICTION – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Stories Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 112 reviews, overall average of 4.7 out of 5 stars
~ WRITING A KILLER THRILLER – An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 94 reviews, average 4.6 out of 5 stars
~ QUICK CLICKS: WORD USAGE – Precise Word Choices at Your Fingertips Amazon.com , Amazon.ca , Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 16 reviews, 4.8 out of 5 stars
~ QUICK CLICKS: SPELLING LIST – Commonly Misspelled Words at Your Fingertips Amazon.com , Amazon.ca , Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 22 reviews, 4.9 out of 5 stars
Also, a new anthology (Nov. 24, 2015) organized and edited by Jodie Renner:
~ VOICES FROM THE VALLEYS - Stories & Poems about Life in BC's Interior - 300 pages, 51 contributors, all net proceeds to Doctors Without Borders Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk
DETAILS on some of the books:
CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS - An Editor's Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction
Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk
53 reviews on Amazon.com, average 4.8 out of 5 stars. Amazon.ca
This award-winning editor's guide to writing compelling fiction provides specific advice, with examples, for captivating readers and immersing them in your story world.
It’s all about engaging the reader and providing a direct connection with the characters through deep point of view, showing instead of telling, avoiding author intrusions, and letting the characters tell the story.
And like Jodie Renner's other writing guides, which are designed for busy writers, the format of this one is reader-friendly, with text broken up by subheadings, examples, and lists.
Praise for Captivate Your Readers- An Editor's Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction
"A handy compendium of techniques that will also serve as a checklist for authors who aspire to write page-turning fiction."
- James Scott Bell, author of Super Structure: The Key to Unlocking the Power of Story
"Jodie Renner's books are packed with practical writing and editing advice. Get ready to improve your manuscript today."
- Steven James, author of Story Trumps Structure: How to Write Unforgettable Fiction by Breaking the Rules
"Want to write solid, marketable fiction? Read this book. Regardless of your experience level, Captivate Your Readers gives you clear and concise tools that will help you create a believable story world and spin a good yarn."
- DP Lyle, award-winning author of the Dub Walker and Samantha Cody thriller series
"Jodie Renner nails it! Captivate Your Readers should be at the top of every new and experienced writer's arsenal, as well as a preferred resource for every teacher of writing. Her no-nonsense, easy-to-understand approach is perfect. Bravo, Jodie Renner!"
- Lynn Sholes, bestselling author of the Cotten Stone series and The Shield
VOICES FROM THE VALLEYS - Stories & Poems about Life in BC's Interior
Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk
- 308 pages, 51 contributors, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. All net proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. The print version includes drawings and photos of BC.
This anthology for charity features entertaining short stories, fascinating memoirs, and thought-provoking poetry by 50 talented BC writers, depicting life in every region of the interior of British Columbia, Canada, from the ’50s to today.
Peruse the pages and you’ll find stories about challenging experiences in remote areas, experiences with BC’s deer, bears, moose, and other wildlife; harrowing experiences with forest fires, humorous people-watching stories, touching memoirs, tales of tragic incidents, stories about relationships, and funny-only-in-hindsight true stories.
You’ll find beautiful, thought-provoking poetry about early ranching life, rock climbing, a beloved motorcycle, the loss of orchards, prospecting, experiences with forest fires, encounters with wildlife, and other special moments from various regions in BC.
FIRE UP YOUR FICTION - An Editor's Guide to Writing Compelling Stories
Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.co.uk Amazon.com: 112 reviews, overall average of 4.7 out of
5 stars
Fire up Your Fiction has won three awards to date: a Silver Medal in the FAPA President’s Book Awards, a Silver Medal in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards, and an Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest Self-Published E-Book Awards for 2013, under its former title, Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power. It was also a Finalist in Foreword Reviews IndieFab Book Awards and the National Indie Excellence Awards.
“What a wonderful resource for writers at any stage of their career! I wish I had this book when I first started writing. [...] I can’t think of anything important that you haven’t addressed succinctly and clearly. [...] This should be on the booklist for Master’s Programs in Writing for Publication. [...] You must be a wonderful editor to be able to write such a readable, but comprehensive book.”
~ Judge, Writer’s Digest Self-Published e-Book Awards for 2013
“Jodie Renner’s Fire up Your Fiction is a handy manual for writers looking to make the biggest impact with their craft.
“Fire up the Fiction is the Strunk and White for writers who want to be not just mere storytellers but master story-compellers.”
~ IndieReader Approved review, March 2014
Fiction writers – if you’re looking to hone your style, bring your scenes to life, tighten up your writing, add tension, find just the right words, pick up the pace, and develop a more authentic, appealing voice, this multi-award-winning guide to the indispensable style elements of writing a popular novel is for you. This reader-friendly book is chock-full of excellent tips to help you learn to write like the pros and create a compelling novel that sells. Not only that, but if you apply these tips to your manuscript, you'll save a lot of money on editing costs.
“This book is packed with good advice on how to spot and fix weaknesses in your fiction writing. It summarizes the combined wisdom of the last century or so of fiction teachers into one handy volume.”
- Randy Ingermanson, bestselling author of Writing Fiction For Dummies
“A handy checklist and self-editing guide that will get any fiction writer to a stronger, well-told tale.”
– James Scott Bell, bestselling author of Revision & Self-Editing, Plot & Structure, and The Art of War for Writers
QUICK CLICKS: WORD USAGE - Precise Word Choices at Your Fingertips
Find just the right word in a second or two with a click of your mouse.

And how do you know when to put in a hyphen and when to leave it out? Is it re-read or reread? over-rule or overrule? extramarital or extra-marital? under-employed or underemployed? semicircle or semi-circle? sub-category or subcategory?
This quick and easy, reliable e-reference to current word usage and style answers all those questions and many more.
Just keep this handy, clickable guide up on your computer screen or beside you on your e-reader, tablet, or smartphone when you’re writing or editing and find the word or term you're looking for with a click of your mouse.
Quick Clicks: Word Usage is a user-friendly, time-saving guide to the most appropriate words and usage for every level of (mainly North American) English communication, from more formal written projects to casual everyday conversations using colloquial expressions.
Who’s it for? Writers, journalists, students, teachers, bloggers, copy editors, proofreaders, small business owners, academics, and anyone with a writing project on the go will love this time-saving e-reference. All the internal links throughout the document make it super-easy for busy writers and editors to navigate, so you can get in quickly, verify the word or term, and get back to work in seconds.
QUICK CLICKS: SPELLING LIST - Commonly Misspelled Words at Your Fingertips

This time-saving writers’ resource is a clickable list of words and phrases that, for one reason or another, often trip up even good spellers and slow down their work. By using this handy alphabetical spelling glossary with lots of links, and also Renner’s companion guide, Quick Clicks: Word Usage – Precise Word Choices at Your Fingertips, you can find answers in seconds and get back to what really matters – your message and content.
Whether you’re a journalist, fiction or nonfiction writer, student, teacher, blogger, editor, or anyone else on a busy schedule (aren’t we all these days?), this clickable spelling list will save you tons of time. Not 100 percent sure of the spelling of a word, or whether it’s hyphenated or capitalized? Keep this resource on your screen or beside you on your Kindle or tablet or smartphone, then just click on the first two letters, check the word quickly, and you’re back to your writing project within seconds.
Some of the 5-star reviews for this guide:
“One word or Two? Hyphen or no hyphen? I never can keep all that straight. This books clears the air. A must for every writer.”
~ DP Lyle, award-winning author of the Samantha Cody and Dub Walker thriller series
“This is a great resource for word usage, with clickable links that make it easy. I see it becoming indispensable.”
~ L.J. Sellers, author of the bestselling Detective Jackson and Agent Dallas series
“Must-have useful reference for editors and writers! The organization is brilliant. This time-saving reference is incredibly useful for writers and editors. It’s a very well-organized book and the clickable links are absolutely one of the best features. I’m going to use this again and again!”
~ Eve Paludan, author and editor
WRITING A KILLER THRILLER - An Editor's Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction

Whether you’re planning your first novel or revising your fourth, you’ll discover lots of concrete
“Finally, someone who understands the thriller! More than ever an author must also be his own best editor and Jodie Renner is there to help. Writing a Killer Thriller should be on every thriller writer’s desk. It breaks down the thriller into its must-have component parts to write a scintillating, edge of the seat novel that will get readers buzzing and sales flowing.”
~ Robert Dugoni, New York Times bestselling author of The Jury Master and Murder One
“Writing a Killer Thriller by Jodie Renner is an in-depth journey through each component of the thriller. Renner breaks down the process into key elements, each essential to keeping the reader turning those pages. From character development to building suspense, Writing a Killer Thriller should be on the desk of every thriller author out there. A staple for the beginner, a refresher for the pro.”
~ Joe Moore, #1 Amazon and international bestselling co-author of The Blade and The Phoenix Apostles
“Writing is hard, editing harder, and self-editing almost impossible. Writing a Killer Thriller demystifies each of these steps on the road to a published manuscript. Read this book. It will help you now and for many years to come.”
~ DP Lyle, Macavity Award winning and Edgar, Agatha, Anthony, Benjamin Franklin, Scribe, and USA Best Books nominated author of the Dub Walker thriller series
ideas here for taking your fiction up a level or two, captivating readers, and gaining fans. Both published and aspiring authors of fast-paced, popular fiction will find these tips indispensable for plotting a riveting story and creating compelling characters, then writing a gripping opening and designing suspenseful scenes. And the reader-friendly format makes it easy to zoom in on specific advice, with examples, for picking up the pace, ramping up the tension and intrigue, revising for power, and creating a page-turner that sells.
Jodie Renner is a freelance fiction editor and the award-winning author of three craft-of-writing guides in her series An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction: Captivate Your Readers, Fire up Your Fiction,and Writing a Killer Thriller. She has also published two clickable time-saving e-resources to date: Quick Clicks: Spelling Listand Quick Clicks: Word Usage. Jodie recently organized and edited a BC-wide anthology of stories and poetry for Doctors Without Borders, called Voices from the Valleys, and is working on a second anthology, Childhood Regained, to help reduce child labor in Asia. You can find Jodie at www.JodieRenner.com, www.JodieRennerEditing.com, and on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Click HERE to sign up for Jodie’s occasional newsletter.

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