April 2013

"church and state" @ Saoirse Ronan - The Warp Magazine & intrigue $0.99 books 3-Act Plot Structure 5 Key Publishing Paths 6 C's 99 cents AAM Abbey Clancy Abbi Jacobson ABC ABM Access Copyright ACE Awards achievers awards acquisitions acquisitions. business to business action before reaction action-adventure Actress ad agencies ad blockers ad sales ad:edit added value adding intrigue adding suspense adding tension adding tension and conflict Adele Adele Adkins Adèle Exarchopoulos Adriana Cernanova ads advertisers Advertising advertorial advice for fiction writers advice for writers advice from literary agents. advice on writing fiction AGM Alberta Alberta Magazine Awards Alberta Venture Alesha Dixon Alessandra Ambrosio Alex Morgan Alliance for Audited Media alliances Allison Brennan alternative delivery Alyssa Diaz Amazon Giveaway Amber Heard American Business Media American Library Association annual conference AMPA Amy Schumer and Word Usage Angel Angelina Jolie Anica Morse Rissi Anja Cihoric Anne R. Allen Annex Annex Business Media anniversaries anniversary announcement anthologies anthology anti-spam legislation applications appointment appointments apps AQEM architecture archives Arden Cho Ariana Grande Arnold art direction Artist As We Were Saying Ashley Tisdale Asian child laborers Asian child labourers ASME Asper associations Athletes Atlantic Canada Atlantic Journalism Awards audience audits Austen authentic voice author intrusions avoid author interruptions avoid wordiness award award-winning writing guide awards awards. Atlantic Journalism Awards awards. Western Magazine Awards Azra Akin b-to-b B.C. b2b Bade Iscil Bangladesh Barbara Fialho Barbara Palvin basic formatting basic formatting for print BBC BC BC writers BC Youth Writers Camp bcamp Becky G before you publish your novel before you submit your novel beginning of your novel beginning of your short story believable Bella Hadid Bella Heathcote Bella Thorne Bello magazine Ben Toms benefits Beowulf best practices beta readers Beyoncé Knowles Bianca Balti Biography Blake Lively blogs blue box board book awards book contests book festivals book giveaway book promos books for 99 cents books for authors bookstores BPAWW branding brands Bravo Magazine Brie Larson - bring your characters to life bring your story to life Britain British Columbia Britney Spears Browning Bryan Cohen budget business business innovation business media business reply Business to business C.S. Lakin CAFE Caity Lotz Camila Banus Camilla Kerslake Canada Post Canada Council Canada Magazine Fund Canada Periodical Fund Canada Post Canada Revenue Agency Canadian Art Canadian Association of Journalists Canadian Business Media Canadian Business Press Canadian Cover Awards Canadian Freelance Union Canadian Heritage Canadian Journalism Foundation Canadian Media Guild Canadian Newsstand Awards Canadian Online Publishing Awards Canadian writers Canadian Writers Group Canopy CanWest Canzine capitalization Captivate Your Readers Cara Delevingne Carmen Aub Carola Remer Caroline Flack Caroline Wozniacki carpet factories in Nepal Carrie Wong CASL Cate Blanchett Caterina Murino Catrinel Menghia CBM CeCi Ceci Korea celebrations Chanel Iman Chang School chapter one characterization characters Charisma Carpenter charities charity Charlee Faser Charli XCX Charlotte McKinney Chatelaine Chaucer Chen Man child labor child labor in Asia child labour child labour in India child labour in Pakistan child workers Childhood Regained children forced to work in factories children's China Chloe Grace Moretz Chloe Moretz Chloë Moretz choose the right word Chrissy Teigen Christina Milian Chuck Sambuchino Cimorelli Cinta Laura Circulation circulation. ABC City and regional Claudia Lee Claudia Schiffer CLB Media clear Cleo Australia Cleo Singapore close third-person point of view closure closures CMC collaborations collections and anthologies colour columns comics compelling fiction compensation competition comScore concise writing Condé Nast condense your novel conferences conflict of interest Congreve consumer consumer shows content management contests continued learning contract contract publishing contracts contributors controversy COPA copy editing copyediting copyright Cosmopolitan Australia Cosmopolitan Korea courses cover story covers CPF craft of writing craft of writing book craft-of-writing guide Craftfest creating a main character creating sentences that flow creative clusters creative nonfiction creative writing criticism critique critique of first page critique of first pages critique of historical thriller CRMA Cross Stitch Pattern cross-media ownership CrossStitch crowdfunding CSME cultural magazines cultural protections current affairs custom publishing cut down on wordiness cutting word count cyber symposium Daisy Lowe Daisy Ridley Dakota Johnson dangling participles Daphne Groeneveld Daphne Guinness dashes data David Bellemere Davis Bunn Dazed and Confused Korea deals declutter your sentences deep point of view deep POV Demi Lovato Denisa Dvořáková Department of Canadian Heritage departures design developmental editing dialogue Diane Kruger digital digital editions digital issues Digital Publishing Awards direct mail distribution don't tell Donald Maass Doutzen Kroes DP Lyle Dr. John Yeoman Drama Drew Barrymore Driven Dryden e-book formatting e-book marketing e-book publishing e-books e-commerce e-media e-paper e-readers eBooks eco-paper edit edit and critique edit of first page editing editing advice editing fiction editing your own novel editions editor Editor's Choice editorial editors editors' resource effective writing elections Elizabeth Hurley Elizabeth Olsen Elizabeth Spann Craig Elle Australia Elle Canada Elle Fanning Elle France Elle Italia Elle Japan ELLE Korea Elle Mexico ELLE Singapore Elle Spain Elle Sweden Elle UK Ellen Pompeo ellipses Elsa Pataky email Emeraude Toubia Emerge Media Awards Emily Bett Rickards Emily Didonato Emma Roberts Emma Stone English Literature on Internet environment Eric Wilson Eva Longoria events excellent writing guides exits expansion expressing thoughts in fiction Fabulous Magazine fact checking FAPA Book Awards farm fashion Fashion Designer Fashion Model fees Fei fei sun fellowships Ferne McCann festivals fiction fiction advice fiction definitions fiction editor fiction lingo fiction question fiction techniques fiction terms fiction writing fiction writing advice fiction-writing fiction-writing advice fiction-writing techniques Filippa Hamilton Palmstierna finalists finalists in book awards Financial financials finding your voice FIPP Fire up Your Fiction first 10 pages first 5 pages first chapter first draft first five pages first line first page first page critique first page of your novel first pages first pages of your novel first paragraph first paragraphs first-page critique FKA Twigs Flare fonts food Foreign influence on English foreshadowing forests ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Awards 2013 Foreword Reviews IndieFab Book Awards format formatting formatting documents formatting your manuscript formattting your documents Frederique Molay free e-book freelance editing freelance editor freelancers freepapers fulfillment fun with magazines funding fundraising future of magazines G.B. Shaw gags Gemma Ward Germany Getty Images Gigi Hadid Gillian Anderson Gillian Jacobs Girlfriend Australia Giveaway Glacier Media Inc. Glamour Germany Glamour UK global media Globe and Mail Glossary glossary of commonly misspelled words Go Ara going from nonfiction to fiction writing Goodreads Goodreads Giveaways Google governance government support GQ Magazine Japan Grace Elizabeth grammar grammar tips grants Grazia Italy great resource books for writers Greater Fort Worth Writers gren printing Guideposts Magazine Guinevere Van Seenus Guy Kawasaki Gwen Stefani Gwyneth Paltrow Ha Ji Won Hailey Clauson Hannah Davis Harper's Bazaar Romania Harper's Bazaar Serbia Harper's Bazaar Spain harper's bazaar UK Harpers Bazaar Singapore Harpers Bazaar Spain head-hopping Hearst Helena Bonham Carter help eradicate child labor Hemingway Hilary Duff history Hmmm... Holly Willoughby hone your writing skills honing your craft honing your writing craft hook hook readers in hook the reader in hook your reader how to create an outline of your scenes how to cut words from your novel how to market your book how to publish your own book How to Sell Loads of Books how to show instead of telling how to write a bestselling novel how to write a book How to Write a Damn Good Thriller how to write a novel how to write a short story how to write a story how to write a suspense novel how to write a thriller how to write action scenes how to write an exciting story how to write compelling fiction how to write effective fiction how to write effective nonfiction how to write fiction how to write scenes how to write suspense Hwang Jung Eum Hye kyo Song hyphens Hyun young I or me Ilana Glazer illustration Imaan Hammam improve your writing style increase your book sales increasing tension Independent Book Publishers Association India indie authors indie publishing Indie Reader Discovery Awards IndieReader IndieReader Discovery Awards industry associations Industry studies indy bookstores indy mags info dumps initial critique insert cards InStyle InStyle Germany InStyle UK interactive interns internships investigative journalism iPad Irina Shayk IRMA Iselin Steiro Jacquelyn Jablonski Jae kyung James N. Frey James Scott Bell Jane Friedman Jane Jacobs prize Janine Chang Jena Goldsack Jenna Dewan Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba Jessica Biel Jessica Chastain Jessica Ennis Hill Jessica Marais Jessica Morrell Jesus Jimmy Backius Joanna Krupa Joanna Penn jobs Jodie Renner Jodie Renner Ediitng Jodie Renner Editing Jodie Renner Editing. John Yeoman joint ventures Jordan Dane Josephine Skriver journalism Journalism Online journalism schools Julia Hafstrom Julia Roberts Julianne Moore Junseob Yoon Kaley Cuoco Karlie Kloss Karolina Pisarek Kate Beckinsale Kate Beckinsaleod Kate Hudson Kate Upton Katharine McPhee Katherine McNamara Katy Perry KDP Select Keats Keira Knightley Kendall Jenner Kim Kardashian Kimberley Kimberly Garner Kimberly Stewart Kindle Kindle book promotions Kirsten Dunst Kobo Kristen Stewart KRWs Krystal Jung Krysten Ritter Kylie Jenner L’Officiel Indonesia labour dispute labour-management dispute lachlan bailey Lady Gaga launch launches Lauren Cohan Lauren Conrad Lauren Goodger law lay vs. lie layoffs layout Le French Book Lea Seydoux lead character lecturing readers legal legislation Lena Meyer-Landrut length for fiction length of novels libraries life in BC lifetime achievement Lily James Lily Rose Depp Lily-Rose Depp Linda Bonney Olin Lindsay Ellingso Lindsay Ellingson line editing line extensions Lingerie lists literacy literary agents literary definitions literary journalism literary terms Literature Period LNA lobbying logical long-form Luma Grothe Mackenzie Hamilton Maclean's Macleans Madame Figaro Greece Madame Figaro Japan Madame Figaro Magazine mag world view Magawards Magazine Awards magazine business Magazine Fund Magazine Grands Prix magazine industry magazine profiles Magazine Publishers of America magazine world view Magazines Canada MagazinesBC Magdalena Frackowiak MagNet Mags BC MagsBC mailing rates main character maisonneuve Mallika Sherawat management Manitoba magazines March to a Bestseller March to a Bestseller 2 Marcy Kennedy Margot Robbie Mariah Carey Marie Claire Korea Marie Claire South Africa Marie Claire Spain Marie Claire Turkey Marion Cotillard market your book Marketing marketing your book Marloes Horst Marlowe Mary Masthead Matt Jones Meagan Good measurement Media companies mediascout member magazines mentors Meredith Corporation mergers mergers. trade associations Metaphysical Poetry metrics Micaela Schaefer Michael Hauge Michaela Kocianova Michelle Monaghan Michelle Obama Michelle Trachtenberg Microsoft Word Miley Cyrus Milton Miranda kerr misplaced modifiers Miss World Pageant mobile Model Modern Luxury Magazine monetizing content Monika Jac Jagaciak mood moral rights MPA multimedia Murder She Writes mystery Mystery Writing is Murder NADbank NAFTA Naomi Watts Natalia Vodianova Natasha Oakley Natiional Media Awards Foundation National Magazine Awards National Magazine Awards Foundation National Post native advertising natural voice Nepal Nerea Barros New Hollywood new products New Yorker Newcom news newspapers newsstand newsstand marketing newsstands Next Issue Media NFC Nicky Hilton Nico Bustos Nicola Roberts ndon Nina Agdal NMA Novel Novel Writing Intensive Retreat obituary Olivia Holt Olivia Munn Olivia Wilde Oltin Dogaru OMDC onlilne online online ads Ontario Ontario Arts Council opening opening paragraphs Openings osborne Osprey Media outline your scenes Pacing Padma Lakshmi Pakistan Pamela Anderson paper Paris Paris Hilton Paris Hilton port partnerships past perfect tense Paula Patton Pauline Hoarau pay-for-use paywalls Péladeau People Perrie Edwards photo essays photography Photoshoot pick up the pace picture services Pinter Pixie Lott plain language plot PMB podcasts poetry point of view polishing poll Pope Post Media Network postal subsidy Postmedia Precedent Pregnant Blake premise prepress pricing print print and digital print and TV print and web print solutions print to digital print-to-web printing Printout Stitch Display privacy production professional development promoting your book promoting your Kindle book promotion promotions proofreading protagonist public affairs public art public place public relations public support publish your book publishers Publishers Weekly publishing publishing models publishing on Amazon Punctuation punctuation help PWAC PwC Quebec Quebec Magazine Awards Quebecor Quebecor Media Quebecor World Quick Clicks quote Rafflecopter Giveaways Raica Oliveira rankings Reader's Digest Readers' Favorite Book Awards readership rebranding recycling Redbook Magazine redesign redesigns Redgees Redwood reference books regulation relaunches reorganizations replicas research resignations resource for writers resources for writers responsive design retailers retirement revenue revising revising and editing revising and editing fiction revising and editing your novel revising fiction revising your fiction revising your novel revision revision and editing revision and self-editing revision checklist revision process revisions rewriting Rhonda Rhimes Richa Chadda rights Rita Ora Robert Dugoni robot reporting Rogers Rogers Communications Inc. Rogers Consumer Publishing Rogers Media Rogers Publishing ROI Romantic poetry Ron Gronkowski Roselyn Sanchez Rosie Huntington Whiteley Rosie Huntington-Whiteley royalties RRJ running a book giveaway Russell Blake Russell James Ryan Jerome Ryerson Review S Moda’s sale on ebooks Sandra Brown Sasha Pieterse save on editing Say What? The Fiction Writer's Handy Guide to Grammar scene outline scenes scholarships Sebastian Kim Selena Gomez self-editing self-publishing selling your book Selma Blair seminars sentence structure setting Seventeen Seventeen Prom Magazine. J SFX Shailene Woodley Shakespeare shakeups Shane Gericke Shanina Shaik Shape Magazine Sharuti Haasan Shay Mitchell Shelley Sheridan short fiction short stories short story short story anthologies short story contests Show show character reactions show don't tell showing emotions in fiction showing reactions in fiction Singer single copies Single copy single copy sales SIP SIPs social media Socialite software Sohai Ali Abro Sonam Kapoor Song Hye Kyo Sophia Bush Sophie Turner South Asia Southern Writers Magazine spam special editions special interest publications special sections specials specialty TV spelling spelling dictionary Spelling on the Go spelling resource Spenser spinoffs sponsored advertising St Joseph Communications St. Joseph Media Stacy Green staff standards Star Wars STARCH starting out your novel starting your novel starts and stops startups state of the industry stay in the POV of the character Steffy Argelich Steve Berry Steve Scott Steven James stimulus and response story gaffes story no-no's strategies streamline your writing streamlining writing students Style style blunders in fiction style gaffes in fiction style in fiction Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power Style that Sizzles and Pacing for Power submitting a short story submitting manuscript subscriptions succession Sun Li Supermodel Susanne Lakin suspense Suspense Magazine suspense-thrillers suspenseful opening Sylvie Meis tablets Takeovers Tanya Dziahileva taxes Taylor Swift TC Media technology Television Personality Tennis player Terminal Rage terms used in fiction that vs which that vs. who The 7th Woman The Bookshelf Muse The Eiffel Tower the first page of your novel The Kill Zone The Kill Zone blog the revision process the tyee The Walrus The Wicked Writing Blog thriller thriller editor Thrillerfest thrillers Time Time Inc. Time Magazine tips tips for authors tips for writers tips for writing tips for writing a short story tips for writing fiction tone Tori Kelly Toro Toronto Life Torstar Tove Agren Tove Lo tracking trade trade associations traffic training transaction transactions Transcontinental Transcontinental Media transitions travel trends tributes trim your word count Trivia masquerading as profundity Troubleshooting Your Novel TV TV Guide Magazine TV presenter TVA Group typography U.S. U.S. National Magazine Awards Ujjwala Raut unions unpaid work USPS Vancouver mag verbs Vicky Pattison Victoria Silvstedt video videos viewpoint viewpoint in fiction Vika Falileeva Virginie Efira virtual conference Vita Sidorkina Vogue Australia Vogue Brazil Vogue China Vogue India Vogue Japan Vogue Korea Vogue Mexico Vogue Russia Vogue Spain Vogue Thailand voice voice in fiction Voices from the Valleys volunteer readers volunteers Walrus waste reduction wayback web web and print webinar webinars western Western Living Western Magazine Awards When Words Collide which vs that white paper wholesalers Woman Spain women's magazines Womens Health Australia word choice word count for fiction word count for novels word list Word on the Street word usage Wordsworth workflows workshops for writers world view wots write a popular novel write a suspense novel write a thriller write more economically write suspense write suspense fiction write tight write tighter writer's conference writer's conferences Writer's Digest Writer's Digest Awards Writer's Forensics blog Writer's Knowledge Base writer's workshop writers writers conferences writers conventions writers workshops Writers Write writers' conference writers' conferences writers' resource writers' retreat Writers' Union Writers' Village writers' workshop writers' workshops writing writing a bestseller Writing a Killer Thriller writing a novel writing a short story writing a suspense novel writing a thriller writing action scenes writing advice writing and writers writing compelling fiction writing conferences writing conventions writing fast-paced fiction writing fiction writing guide writing guides writing resource writing scenes writing skills writing suspense writing suspense fiction writing tense action scenes writing thrillers writing tips writing your novel Wyatt Xenia Tchoumitcheva YA fiction Yossi Michaeli your first page your first pages your opening your story opening Yu Tsai Yubin Yumi Lambert Yvonne Strahovski zines Zinio Zoey Deutch

The financial problems of the Magazine Association of BC have culminated in letting executive director Sylvia Skene go. A note to the membership from president Jenn Farrell said this was effective March 28 and that the work Skene had been doing will, for now, be done by members of the board and other volunteers. The organization is also looking to sublet part of its current office space.
"None of

Publishing maven Tyler Brûlé will be speaking in Toronto April 24 at an event hosted by The Canadian Journalism Foundation and Ryerson University's School of Journalism. 

This journalist-turned-entrepreneur is the chairman of brand and design agency Winkreative and editor-in-chief of Monocle, an ever-expanding global media venture encompassing a magazine, video and audio programming via the

Walmart Canada's  magazine Walmart Live Better, which with its 1 million circulation automatically becomes Canada's largest circulation magazine, has been launched. Announced in December, it is a partnership with Rogers Media Inc. and six times a year will focus on beauty, fashion, food and home trends.  

In addition to the print edition, it offers a free downloadable tablet edition, a website,

It’s always important to remember that the print platform is really, in most cases, the bedrock for these brands. What is interesting about our business is that it has been through the whole economic downturn and the most solid part of our activity, our circulation and our readership, has been just solid as a rock. We work really hard to make sure those brands stay very fresh and vibrant. We

I'm not sure which is more alarming; that so many people seem unable to get through normal daily activities without accessing social media; that 50% of Facebook users do so while drunk; or that 19% do so while driving. 

According to a posting on emarketer, women were slightly more likely than men to turn to social media while watching TV, traveling and exercising, and significantly more likely

Toronto Life, having successfully launched the special interest publication Stylebook with two successive fall editions has now launched a spring version. The 106-page issue sells for $7.95 on newsstands and from the St. Joseph Media estore. The cover of the shopping beauty and trends guidebook features Canadian actress Sarah Gadon photographed at Allan Gardens Conservatory by Norman Wong and

Here's an excerpt from a blog post of mine that appeared in The Wicked Writing Blog, Writers' Village, three weeks ago. For the rest of it, click on the link at the end.

Voice: That Elusive but Critical Ingredient of Compelling Fiction

Posted by Jodie Renner on Friday, March 15, 2013 Under: The Writing Craft
This idea-packed master class in how to develop your own unique authorial 'voice' comes from Jodie Renner, editor and author. Jodie has written a classic guide to great story writing, Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power. Discover how to make your stories resonate with power, by following her tips below!

Voice – what is it exactly?

Literary agents and acquiring editors always say they’re looking for fiction with a compelling, unique, fresh, natural voice. Then when asked to define it, they hem and haw a bit, searching for the right words to try to capture what they mean by a voice that appeals to readers and makes them want to keep reading.

From what I’ve gathered from my varied reading and workshops, the ideal “voice” is that natural, open, appealing, charismatic tone and style that draws us in and makes us feel like we know the characters well – and want to get to know them better!

How Can We Develop An Appealing Voice?

These tips, a mix of advice from others and my own ideas, will be helpful to writers who are still in the process of finding their voice or fine-tuning it to make it more relaxed, powerful and appealing.

~ Don’t lecture your readers.

As Bruce DeSilva said in his workshop on this topic at Craftfest / Thrillerfest 2012 in New York, many aspiring authors need to first free themselves from the constraints of their more formal, correct writing background, especially if it includes graduate degrees and a lot of legal, academic or business writing. So shake yourself loose of all those constraints and find your more casual, accessible, appealing inner voice. How do you do that?

~ Write in a clear, direct way.

[To see the rest of this article, click HERE.]

Jodie Renner has published two books to date in her series, An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction: Writing a Killer Thriller and Fire up Your Fiction (Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power), which has won two book awards so far. Look for her third book, Immerse the Readers in Your Story World, out soon. For more info, please visit Jodie’s author website or editor website, her blogs, Resources for Writers and The Kill Zone, or find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. And sign up for her newsletter.

On March 14, I was once again a guest blogger on DP Lyle, MD's excellent blog, The Writer's Forensics Blog. Here's the beginning of my blog post over there, with a link to the rest of it:


Style that Sizzles_Final_mediumby Jodie Renner, freelance fiction editor and craft-of-fiction writer

I specialize in editing thrillers and other fast-paced, suspenseful fiction, and someone recently asked me how editing thrillers is different from editing other genres. That’s a huge topic, too much for one blog post, and would include differences in plot, characterization, pacing, word choice, and writing style, among many other considerations. For today, I thought I’d just talk about writing effective action scenes, which can also appear in romantic suspense, mysteries, action adventures, fantasies, and any other genre.

When your characters are running for their lives, write tight and leave out a lot of description, especially little insignificant details about their surroundings. Of course, if the details would somehow help them, then definitely include them.

Characters on the run don’t have time to sightsee, reminisce, deliberate at length, or have great long discussions. Their adrenaline is pumping and all they’re thinking of is survival. Show that in your writing style.

A few quick tips for writing strong action scenes:

~ Show, don’t tell (of course!).

~ Stay in the scene with the characters – don’t intrude as the author to explain anything.

~ Avoid lengthy discussions among characters or long, involved thought processes.

For the rest of this article, click HERE.

Jodie Renner is a freelance fiction editor who specializes in thrillers, mysteries, and other fast-paced fiction. For more info on Jodie’s editing services and her books, please visit her website. Jodie has published two books to date in her series, An Editor’s Guide to Writing Compelling Fiction: Writing and Killer Thriller, a short e-book, and Style That Sizzles & Pacing for Power, which is available in paperback, as an e-book on Kindle, and in other e-book formats. And you don’t need to own an e-reader to purchase and enjoy e-books. You can download them to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Blue Ant Media, the owners of Cottage Life and Cottage magazines, has confirmed that it is launching a specialty television channel called...Cottage Life. The launch will be celebrated this weekend at the spring Cottage Life Show at the International Centre in Toronto and the specialty channel will be available across Canada this fall, joining Blue Ant's other specialty channels Travel+Escape,

The Big Business of Franchise Issues (Folio:)
Nature Conservancy Magazine Takes Ads for First Time (Folio:)
Librarians and Societies and Publishers – Oh My! (Scholarly Kitchen)
Editor of Forbes, Believes Ink on Paper Can Do for Digital What Spinach Did for Popeye (Mr. Magazine)
FT Relaunches Web App (Audience Development)
What's Holding Back Responsive Web Design? Advertising (MediaShift)

The new look
Chatelaine magazine has unveiled a new bilingual logo for its May issue, an all-uppercase version that incorporates a stylized circumflex in the A and which allows the new logo to roll out unchanged in the French version in its June issue. The typeface is Neutraface 2.

According to a story in Marketing (a sibling publication at Rogers Publishing), publisher Tara Tucker says the

The finalists have been announced for the Atlantic Journalism Awards; the winners will be presented Saturday May 11 at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel.
the awards cross all media. Here are the categories with magazine-related finalists

Atlantic Magazine Article

John DeMont - Herald Magazine - Halifax NS - Does Nova Scotia Get the Government it Deserves?
Marjorie Simmins - Progress

Helping migrant farm workers deal with the culture shock of working in Canada is the focus of a magazine published by a former employee of the Mexican consulate in Toronto. According to a story carried by CBC News Windsor, Atoctli, is a magazine in both Spanish and English and also available online. The publisher is Margarita Caropresi.

 "The idea is to serve the worker. But when we help them,

Newspapers, daily and community, often carry or create supplements or other things presented in magazine form. Often they are purely advertorial, such as tourism promotions, or focus on fashion and bridal; very occasionally they are magazines that could stand on their own. 
Newspapers Canada runs a competition called Great Ideas, which selects " the most creative and innovative examples of

[This post has been updated] Though brides are increasingly opting for less formal, simpler weddings, according to the annual survey published by Weddingbells magazine, the cost of those weddings continues to rise. The national survey, completed by more than 2,200 engaged or recently married brides, shows that the average cost of a wedding, including honeymoon, is $32,358, which is up 5% from

[This post has been updated] Taking a chance on a cover has paid off for East Coast Living magazine, whose Winter issue had a single copy sell-through of 64 61 per cent. The cover features a contemporary California-style beach house in Long Harbour, Newfoundland.

Shot by Kenneth Harvey, a Newfoundland filmmaker, journalist and bestselling author (it was his first time working with East Coast

There is just one week until the April 9 deadline for nominations to the Magazines Canada Volunteer of the Year Award. Established in 2006, the award honours one person a year who has made an outstanding volunteer contribution to the Canadian magazine industry. The choice is made by a committee of longstanding industry professionals. The award is celebrated in a special ceremony at MagNet:

The Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) -- formerly the Audit Bureau of Circulations -- today released the first of its Consolidated Media Reports (CMR) for three TC Media titles --Canadian Living, ELLE Canada and The Hockey News -- the first Canadian magazines to do so. 

The CMR reports represent a way of presenting total, cross-media audience: core print circulation, single copy sales,

The finalists for the U.S. National Magazine Awards, run by the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) have been announced. National Geographic has seven nominations, followed by New York magazine and Bon Appétit with six each. GQ and the New Yorker have five each. Among publishing groups, Condé Nast has the most finalists — 26 — to Hearst Corp.’s nine; Time Inc. also had nine. 


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