Absalom rebels against King David
Absalom rebels against King David 1
(2 Samuel 13 and 14). David had several sons by different wives. Absalom was his third oldest son. David’s oldest son was called Amnon.
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Two years later, Absalom got his servants to get Amnon drunk and then murdered him. King David mourned many days for his son.
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The woman arrived dressed as a widow in mourning clothes. ‘I had two sons,’ she explained, ‘but they got into a fight and one killed the other. Now everyone is saying hand over the son who murdered so we can put him to death for taking the life of his brother. This son is all I have.’‘Go home and I will issue an order to stop them killing your son,’ said David.The wise woman then said, ‘When the king says this, does he not convict himself, for the king has not brought back his banished son?’
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David summoned Absalom to come back to Jerusalem and although he would not see him immediately he later sent for Absalom. Absalom arrived and bowed face down before his father who kissed him.
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Absalom became very proud. He provided himself with chariot and horses and fifty men to run ahead of him. Everyone praised him for his handsome appearance. Absalom was particularly proud of his hair, which he cut once a year. The weight of the cut hair was 200 shekels (2.2 kg or 5 pounds).
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Absalom would sit by the city gate to meet those coming to the king for a judgment. He would say, ‘I can see that you are right in this matter. It is a shame the king doesn’t have anyone to assist him in hearing these cases.’
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‘I wish I were the judge; then anyone with a lawsuit could come to me, and I would give him justice!'
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And when anyone came to bow to him, Absalom wouldn’t let him, but shook his hand instead! So in this way Absalom became very popular with the people of Israel.
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After four years of gaining popularity, Absalom plotted to become king instead of his father David.
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He went to the King and asked permission to go to Hebron to keep a promise he had made with God to make a sacrifice to Him for bringing him back from Geshur. David gave him permission to go.
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Men started gathering to support Absalom’s rebellion. Ahithophel, one of David’s trusted counselors, declared his support for Absalom. Absalom and his rebel army started marching towards Jerusalem.
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A messenger soon arrived in Jerusalem to tell King David, ‘All Israel has joined Absalom in a conspiracy against you!’ David decided to flee the city with his household and 600 loyal troops.
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There was deep sadness in the city as the king and his retinue left. David’s head and feet were covered as a sign of mourning and he wept as he walked away. The people with him covered their heads and wept also.
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When Absalom arrived in Jerusalem he wondered what to do next. David’s former advisor Ahithophel urged him to pursue David while he was weary and discouraged. However David had left a loyal advisor called Hushai in Jerusalem to give Absalom poor advice. Hushai told Absalom not to pursue David immediately as he was a great fighter and there were mighty warriors with him. Absalom listened to Hushai’s advice and David had time to make his escape. Ahithophel, publically shamed when Absalom didn’t listen to him, returned to his home town and killed himself.
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The battle raged throughout the forest and 20,000 men were killed. During the battle Absalom came across some of David’s troops and fled on a mule. As the mule went beneath the thick boughs of a great oak tree, Absalom’s hair got caught in the branches. His mule went on, leaving him dangling in the air. One of David’s men saw him and told Joab.
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Joab asked the man why he had not killed Absalom. ‘We all heard the king say to you and Abishai and Ittai, “For my sake, please don’t harm young Absalom,”’ the soldier replied. ‘Enough of this nonsense,’ Joab replied. Then he took three daggers and plunged them into the heart of Absalom as he dangled from the oak.
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They threw Absalom’s body into a deep pit in the forest and piled a great heap of stones over it. Absalom’s army fled to their homes.
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A messenger told David, ‘Blessed be the Lord your God who has destroyed the rebels who dared to stand against you.’
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‘What of young Absalom?’ the king demanded. ‘Is he all right?’‘May all of your enemies be as that young man is!’ the messenger replied.
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Then the king burst into tears, and went up to his room wailing, ‘O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom. If only I could have died for you! O Absalom, my son, my son.’ As people heard of the king’s deep grief for his son, the joy of victory was turned into deep sadness. David later retuned to Jerusalem to reign as King of Israel once more.
Absalom rebels against King David
Absalom leads a rebellion against King David.
2 Samuel 15:1 - 18:33
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