Jesus and Pontius Pilate 2
Caiaphas, the High Priest, sent Jesus to be judged by Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman Governor in the province of Judea.
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Pontius Pilate the Governor asked Jesus, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’
Jesus agreed, ‘It is just as you say.’ But, when all the people mocked Him He didn’t reply.
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Now once a year, Pilate released a Jewish prisoner - anyone the Jews wanted. There was a very bad man called Barabbas in jail. So Pilate asked the crowd, ‘Who shall I release, Barabbas or Jesus?’
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Stirred up by the Jewish leaders who were jealous of Jesus, the angry crowd shouted, ‘Barabbas’. They wanted Pilate to crucify Jesus.
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Pilate sat down to think about what he should do. ‘Have nothing to do with Jesus,’ his wife warned, ‘I had a bad dream about him last night.’
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Once again, Pilate asked the crowd, ‘What shall I do with Jesus?’
‘Crucify Him,’ they shouted time and time again.
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Pilate didn’t want to punish Jesus because he knew that He was an innocent man. He washed his hands in front of everyone, to show that he did not want to be responsible.
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The soldiers led Jesus into their hall. They put a scarlet robe on Him and made Him a crown from some plaited thorns. ‘Here is the King of the Jews,’ they joked.
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They led Him away to be crucified. Jesus was too weak to carry His cross, so the soldiers grabbed a man called Simon, from Cyrene in Africa, to carry it behind Him.
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After they crucified Jesus, the soldiers threw dice to decide who should have His coat, which was beautifully woven from one piece of cloth. This happened just as God’s Word had said, long ago.
Jesus and Pontius Pilate
Pontious Pilate offers to release Jesus or Barabbas. The crowd shout for Barabbas to be freed and Jesus to be crucified.
Matthew 27:11
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