The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel 1
As people moved east they found a plain in Babylon and settled there. Everyone spoke one language and could understand each other.
The Tower of Babel 2
They proudly declared, ‘Let’s make a name for ourselves and build a city with a tower that reaches up to the heavens.’ They made bricks and used tar for mortar.
The Tower of Babel 3
God saw how they were working together to make such proud plans and decided to put a stop to their building by confusing their language so they could not understand each other.
The Tower of Babel 4
The workers started babbling in different languages and stopped working together.
The Tower of Babel 5
The building work stopped and groups of people scattered to live in different parts of the earth.
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel.
Genesis 11:1-9
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